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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hooray for Incompetence!

P.J. O'Rourke looks forward to the failure of the Obama administration, because he's not competent enough to really screw things up.
Bringing the government in to run Wall Street is like saying, "Dad
burned dinner, let's get the dog to cook." Now the government's going
to take over the auto industry. I can predict the result--a
light-weight, compact, sustainable vehicle using alternative energy.
When I was a kid we called it a Schwinn.


If we want this sort of thing and lots more of it, we'll need
somebody better--that is to say worse--than Barack Obama. Is Obama the
man who can make the wolf of partisan spoils dwell with the lamb of
public interest, and the leopard of increased political power lie down
with the kid of individual liberty; and the calf of personal
responsibility and the young lion of social engineering and the fatling
of free enterprise together; and a lawyer from Hyde Park will lead
them? (And will Nancy Pelosi eat straw like Dennis Kucinich?)

No. Barack Obama doesn't have the outsized personality and flair for
bunkum that is necessary to lead even America's sheep-like electorate
into such ravenous company.

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