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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fighting for Religious Freedom

Kathryn Jean Lopez on the details of the Catholic church's fight against Obamacare, and the fights to come:
We need to wake up, the brother bishops emphasize, at a time when they have demonstrated an unprecedented unanimity about the critical importance of opposition the federal government’s encroachment on religious liberty. The HHS mandate is, indeed, unprecedented. It’s a culmination and triumph of much that Church officials, among others, had long warned about, on more than legal fronts. (Humanae Vitae comes to mind. And Church officials were also, make no mistake, complicit in its undermining. Which, again, underscores why we must “stand firm” now, as Dolan put it.) 
Addressing the “ski slope,” among other examples, Cardinal Dolan pointed to legislation under consideration in Washington State that would require abortion insurance, conscience be damned, in the name of “parity” with maternity care. So much for “safe, legal, and rare.” As Dolan has suggested before, it increasingly looks like abortion has become a preference in the United States. Even with some encouraging poll numbers, what is it that we’re tolerating in the life of our nation and its laws?

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