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Friday, August 9, 2013

Besmirching the Name "Aslan"

Justin Taylor has a round-up of reviews for Zealot, that book about Jesus that's causing such a stir, written by Reza Aslan. (I'm sorry, I know Aslan. I've read about Aslan. And you, sir, are no Aslan.) If you're looking for pointed criticisms about the book, you'll find them here, including stuff like this:
Aslan repeatedly presents highly unlikely interpretations of passages in the New Testament, makes little effort to defend those interpretations, then moves on as if he has made his case. Suffice to say this, as others have said before: there is something a little bizarre about using our only historical documents about Jesus (the New Testament) to come to conclusions quite in opposition to those documents. There is a good reason to believe that Jesus claimed to be a divine king and savior who would die and rise again, and would one day return to judge the world: All four gospels, and indeed the entire New Testament, make this claim. You can deny that this claim is true, but it is scholarly folly to deny that Jesus and the early Christians believed it.


  1. I've heard about the book, but haven't had time to read it. I probably should just so I can answer questions about it.

  2. I've read the book and I don't remember any part of it where Aslan claims the early Christians didn't believe that Jesus was a divine king who died for our sins and was coming back, etc. Nor do I remember him offering any particularly outlandish interpretations of New Testament passages. I do remember a lot of first rate historical scholarship, placing of the NT stories in their actual historical context and making some fairly compelling arguments.

  3. SkepticalJC,

    Did you read the article linked here, by Gary Manning JR?

    I think that would answer some of your questions about where the author is basing those statements on.
