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Friday, November 28, 2008

The Top... Oh, Let's Say Seven Things I Was Wrong About

As someone who has said repeatedly and loudly that there was no way Obama could win the election, clearly I have to re-examine a lot of my assumptions. I was wrong, wrongity, wrong-wrong about a whole bunch of things, but I've narrowed a big list of wrongness down to the most crucial things below:

America is WAY more comfortable with the idea of socialism than I ever imagined.
In spite of all the media smokescreen, there was no doubt about what kind of politician Barak Obama was. I read an article defending Obama against the charge of socialism, but the argument wasn't that he wasn't a socialist in principle, it was that he wasn't likely to go far enough to meet the dictionary definition of socialism.

He clearly believes it is the purpose of government to take resources from the rightful owners and redistribute them for the purpose of fairness. And apparently, a whole bunch of people are ok with that. This is the part of this election that disappoints me more than anything. I truly don't live in the country I thought I did.

John McCain would rather lose than fight (Democrats)
During most of the campaign, it really seemed like McCain didn't want to win. I can't wait to hear the story of how he got talked into picking Palin over some lump like Lieberman or Charlie Crist. That would've given him the proper blowout that would've cemented his reputation as a boon to the Democratic party.

The presidency of George W. Bush has crippled the Republican party.
We all thought the "compassionate conservative" thing was a lark when it started, but it has become a cancer on the Republican party. The Bush philosophy has turned Republicans into a lite version of Democrats. That's not the kind of party that conservatives want to rush out to the polls and support. It's going to take a while to get that tax-cutting, buracracy-shrinking, responsible-government cred back.

The mainstream media isn't dead yet.
The networks, big newspapers, and magazines had a huge influence on this election. They took a guy who was essentially an empty suit and turned him into a global superstar. Don't write their obituary on your blog yet.

America is way more comfortable with vote fraud than I imagined.
In spite of media complicity, the stories of voter fraud were easy to find, but people just shrugged them off. Looks like the whole country is Chicago now.

The multicultural mindset is dug into the American psyche much deeper than I thought.
For more than thirty years now, schools have been teaching that everything white people do is wrong and evil, and everything dark-skinned people do is right and good. The logical result is that we have a president whose number one qualification is the fact that he is black.

"Conservative" pundits sure do include a surprising number of weenies in their ranks.
There don't appear to be a lot of people left in the public arena who are staunch supporters of conservatism as an ideology. When it became clear that McCain was toast, the supposedly conservative opinion dealers couldn't drop him fast enough, so they could then join their media bretheren in cranking out Obama love letters. Are you guys that afraid you're going to have to mothball your tuxedo for the next four years? Grow a backbone, for crying out loud.


  1. I had the same reaction. Here are a couple more things that surprised me:

    1. People really buy it when a liberal politician runs as a moderate on taxes, gun rights, foreign policy, etc. This shocked me.

    2. White voters really aren't very racist. But black voters really are.

    3. The median voter is ok with abortion, at least early term abortion, as long as the politician pays lip service to it being bad and trying to reduce the number of them.

    4. People care more about their own personal economic well-being than pretty much anything else.

    5. The election funding process is totally, totally broken.

    6. Americans don't vote for old guys (see Bob Dole). I don't know why, but they really don't.

  2. I discovered your blog via Jennifer at Conversion Diary and have enjoyed reading it.

    As the election unfolded, I, too, shared your horror of "the things people will let slide", a la an apparent apathy in regard to socialism, fraud, etc... (everything you mentioned.) But I certainly take hope in the fact that there are many conservatives who are NOT jumping ship like Kathleen Parker, and that the election spurred many of us to be more vigilant than ever in getting back on track.

    Keep up the good writing.
